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Act Now: Time is of the Essence for Veteran Disability Claims

Filing for VA compensation is a complicated process; you need the help of an experienced attorney.

Proper compensation can help veterans:

Obtain the necessary treatments for recovery
Provide support for loved ones
Make up for lost time and wages
Move on toward a better quality of life


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But, prompt action is needed to avoid missing any filing deadlines

The veterans who bravely served our nation deserve the benefits owed to them. Filing a VA claim with our firm ensures that you receive the proper guidance through the process to secure the compensation you have earned.

The PACT Act opens the way for compensation, but immediate action is needed.

Contact Werner, Hoffman & Greig today to learn about legal rights and options.

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Appealing a Denied PTSD Claim

At Werner, Hoffman & Greig, we also focus specifically on challenging denied claims for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is one of the most common health issues veterans face, and yet many are left in the dark after a denied VA claim.

PTSD is widespread in the veteran community. Consider the following:

Why a Lawyer Is Crucial for Help With a VA Claim

The application process for VA disability benefits is intensely complex, and the guidance of a lawyer is indispensable for applicants.

Each phase requires additional medical records and other documentation; these must all be submitted in perfect form within strict deadlines. The slightest discrepancy or error on an application can lead to a denial.

Having a trusted attorney to help navigate the VA process can mean the difference between walking away with little to no compensation and receiving a sizeable and just financial reward.

VA’s accredited service officers cannot provide the same type of in-depth, step-by-step guidance that our lawyers have given our clients for years.

Meet the Team

Our attorneys understand the devastating effects of toxic burn pit exposure. We are passionate about helping veterans collect the benefits needed to support themselves and their families.

At Werner, Hoffman & Greig, it’s our job to:

So our clients can:

Our attorneys have decades of combined experience fighting for the rights of our nation’s military service people, and we understand the devastating effects of toxic burn pit exposure. We have deep knowledge of the process for filing for benefits or appealing a denied application.

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Delivering the Results Our Clients Need

Let Werner, Hoffman & Greig handle your VA needs

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3301 NW 2nd Ave, Suite 200
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum

- Studies show that since 9/11, anywhere from 75 to 83% of U.S. military survey respondents have experienced PTSD* 

- Countless veterans have had their PTSD claims denied by the VA

- Many veterans aren’t aware it may be possible to appeal a denied claim

- PTSD often goes hand-in-hand with other issues like unemployability due to illness or injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and headaches

Compensation for Toxic Burn Pit Exposure at Military Bases

The U.S. Military used burn pits to incinerate a hodgepodge of dangerous materials like metal, plastics, and human waste. This caused widespread exposure to highly toxic fumes for military personnel. 

Before the PACT Act, only three of the following medical conditions were acknowledged as linked to burn pits. Now, however, the following are being recognized as presumptive* injuries: 

List of Qualifying Burn Pit Cancers (per the PACT Act):

List of Qualifying Burn Pit Illnesses (per the PACT Act):

- Brain cancer

- Gastrointestinal cancer of any type

- Glioblastoma

- Head cancer of any type

- Kidney cancer

- Lymphatic cancer or lymphoma of any type

I’ve been lucky to have this firm represent me for my VA claim. They truly care about helping veterans get what they deserve. I’ve always had great communication throughout every step of this process. Hoffman and his team know what they are doing and know how to get things done. Every time I see a vet I tell them this is the firm you want to represent you for your claim. Trust me when I say that.

Ben Lewellen

I can't say enough good things about Werner Hoffman & Greig's Michael Hoffman! He demonstrated professionalism, knowledge, and sincere concern for my legal requirements from the first moment I met him. Michael went above and above to help me navigate a challenging legal problem; he gave me concise explanations and wise counsel at every turn.

Look no further than Michael Hoffman if you're looking for an experienced and reliable lawyer.

Dan Nelson

As a combat vet himself, Michael Hoffman understands the sacrifices of service first-hand. He's keenly knowledgeable of the complexities of the VA disability appeal process. To me, the process seemed intimidating, but his team guided and assisted me through it all. His firm's efforts enabled me to get the VA medical coverage and support I needed. I'm sincerely grateful I contacted Micheal, and would highly recommend him and his staff to any vet who needs help with their appeals process.


As an Afghanistan/Iraq combat veteran, I wanted to see my fellow combat vets safely come home to their families. Michael Hoffman is a fellow combat veteran and understands the struggle of Veterans in dealing with the VA. Mike wants to ensure that fellow Veterans of the US Armed Forces are taken care of. I wouldn't recommend anyone else in dealing with the VA.

James Esenwein

I spent years going back and forth with the VA and got nowhere. I felt like I was alone in the fight for my benefits after serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan. When I finally got the courage up to ask for help, Mike Hoffman was immediately there for me. He and his team went above and beyond to ensure that I was getting the care that I needed.

Tyson Davis


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- Melanoma

- Neck cancer

- Pancreatic cancer

- Reproductive cancer of any type

- Respiratory (breathing-related) cancer of any type

- Asthma (diagnosed after service)

- Chronic bronchitis, rhinitis, or sinusitis

- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

- Constrictive or obliterative bronchiolitis

- Emphysema

- Granulomatous disease

- Interstitial lung disease (ILD)

- Pleuritis

- Pulmonary fibrosis


If anyone is unsure whether they have a qualifying disease, or served in a qualifying location, they should contact Werner, Hoffman & Greig for guidance. These are egregious, life-changing injuries that no person or family should have to bear.

The VA also covers compensation to surviving spouses, children, and relatives of deceased veterans who lost their lives due to service-connected conditions. At Werner, Hoffman & Greig, we are motivated and driven to help military families obtain the compensation they deserve.

*Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1202701/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-during-service-after-911-by-problem-veterans/

Contact our law firm and we can help secure a comprehensive PTSD benefit package.

We are the law firm of choice for veterans when it comes to successful applications with the VA. We have helped many veterans with this, and know exactly what the VA is looking for.

  • Handle all paperwork and documentation
  • Research how the PACT Act applies to each case
  • Formulate a strategy for the application process
  • Ensure all requirements are met and fulfilled
  • Focus on physical and emotional recovery
  • Stay up-to-date on any new changes in the law
  • Maximize the benefits they receive
  • Have peace of mind that they won’t miss any deadlines

✓ Client Commitment: Putting our clients’ needs first and dedicating resources to help them achieve their legal goals.
✓  Integrity: 
Upholding the highest standards of honesty, ethics, and transparent communication in all our interactions.
✓  Respect: 
Treating each individual with dignity and respect while fostering an inclusive environment.
✓  Professional Excellence: 
Delivering high-quality legal services. We have an in-depth knowledge of the VA application process and stay at the forefront of new developments.
✓  Teamwork: 
Valuing the power of collaboration and harnessing our diverse skills and experience to provide comprehensive legal services.
✓ Justice: 
Tirelessly advocating for the rights and interests of veterans and upholding justice for their families.

The attorneys at Werner, Hoffman & Greig have the skills and expertise required to deal with the rigorous application process set forth by the VA.  

As veterans ourselves, we understand that a skilled veterans’ benefits lawyer isn’t just well-versed in the intricacies of the VA system — they need to have a heartfelt commitment to serving veterans, and the grit to leave no stone unturned in securing every available benefit. Our attorneys bring along their personal understanding of the military experience, standing as your unwavering advocates.

Clients put their trust in us because we give them the advantage of a strong, powerful law firm.

Choose Werner, Hoffman & Greig for our success in VA benefits litigation and advocacy.

Contact an Attorney Today

Meet Attorney Michael Hoffman

Michael is the lead attorney for Werner, Hoffman & Greig’s VA Benefits Group. He advocates for those who have served our country in the military. As a disabled U.S. Navy combat veteran himself, Michael has firsthand experience and knowledge of the VA system.

He understands the gritty fight against the VA from firsthand experience. As a veteran, he stands as a tenacious advocate for the men and women who’ve served our nation. He is personally and intimately familiar with the unique hurdles they face in veterans' disability claims and appeals.

Michael served in Japan with the F/A 18 Hornet Squadron VFA-192, deployed aboard the USS Kitty Hawk. Next, he volunteered for the Individual Augmentee Program and was deployed to Afghanistan serving as the Combat Master Driver for U.S. Forces Afghanistan. After active duty, Michael attended The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, where he earned both his JD and LL.M in trial advocacy and dispute resolution with honors.

Armed with these qualifications, Michael continues to battle relentlessly for the rights and benefits of his fellow veterans. He also actively lobbies in D.C. for veterans’ rights, which provides him with a well-rounded and up-to-date view on veterans’ benefits laws.

Michael’s clients aren’t just case numbers to him; they are individuals with unique stories, and he treats them with the utmost respect and empathy.

*If a veteran served in an area that the VA identifies with burn pits or other toxins, they “presume” that they were exposed.  

Delivering the Results Our Clients Need

Let Werner Hoffman & Greig handle your VA needs

We are the law firm of choice for veterans when it comes to successful applications with the VA. Our law firm is ready to help gather the documents needed so our clients can obtain benefits. We have helped many veterans with this, and know exactly what the VA is looking for.

“Two conditions that service people never claim or don't claim nearly often enough: one is 
 gastrointestinal distress — diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, acid reflux, any stomach problems or headaches.

And the second is: every person on earth  gets headaches from time to time , some more than others. And I think because it's such a common thing in the world that people…don't think to claim it. And that's a big mistake because with VA disability, it's not just about whether or not you would've had a headache…. of course you would. But the point is that your headaches are made worse or are increased by your service by maybe having that mental health condition. Mental health oftentimes causes headaches. Mental health oftentimes causes gastrointestinal stress.

And so those are two things that people don't think to file for and they really, really should.”

Two Conditions Veterans Rarely Claim Benefits For — But Should 

Michael Hoffman

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